Calculate the Breakeven Point of Your Spray Rig

We started the year by looking at 5 Ways AST Can Help You Reach Your Business Goals in 2022. If you’ve been keeping up with the AST blog, you know that we’ve been diving deeper into those five ways in a series of blog posts:

Today we are continuing that series by taking a look at the relationship between AST equipment and the profitability of your business. Specifically, we will introduce a calculator that will estimate the breakeven point of your spray rig investment.



At the end of the day, the purpose of capital equipment is to help your business produce profits. When purchasing a new spray rig, you should consider how and when your new machine will help you in this goal.

Breakeven Calculator

An interesting piece of data is the breakeven point of your spray rig. This will tell you at what point you have made more profit with your spray rig than the cost of the spray rig.

To estimate how many months it will take to break even, run the calculator below:

Breakeven Calculator

Profit Per Month:
Jobs to Break Even:
Months to Break Even:

Of course there are numerous ways that AST equipment achieves its quick breakeven timeline. For example, repair costs are kept low by easy maintenance designs and the use of high quality parts. An advantage of having heavy duty equipment such as a spray rig is that it handles everyday use in a rough environment such as a job site with ease. With fewer repairs to make, your total cost over time is kept lower and you will break even faster.

Another part of the breakeven equation is your revenue. Spray rigs help boost your revenue by increasing your capacity for work. A spray rig is much more efficient than other equipment and methods of applying texture. We regularly receive feedback that spray teams are in and out of a house in half a day. This increased ability to take on work allows for more jobs and more revenue coming in, shortening the breakeven timeline for your spray rig.


Customer feedback


When making an investment in capital equipment, it helps to think about the purchase in these terms. A new spray rig takes your business to the next level. It pays for itself quickly and you will get years of profitable use from your investment.

Our previous blog posts in this series have detailed a lot of the ways that AST equipment can help improve your company. You’ll see reduced job times, easier maintenance, and better results. The calculator above helps illustrate another piece of the puzzle, which is exactly how (and when) AST equipment can improve your business’s bottom line.

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